Draupadi, in the guise of Syrendri with Virata's wife
Oil Painting - Sri Jayachama Rajendra Art Gallery, Jaganmohan Palace, Mysore, Karnataka

His Highness Raja Ravi  was born on 29th April 1848, in Kilimanoor, a small town of Kerala. He is known for his amazing and colourful paintings, which revolve mainly around the great epics of Mahabharata and Ramayana and other ancient Indian literatures. Raja Ravi Varma is one of the few painters who have managed to accomplish a wonderful merging of the Indian traditions with the techniques of European academic art. He is really a king among the painters and a painter among the kings.

Harischandra in Distress 
Harischandra having lost his kingdom and all the wealth parting with his only son in an auction
Oil Painting - Sri Jayachama Rajendra Art Gallery, Jaganmohan Palace, Mysore, Karnataka

Looks of Love - Sakunthala looking back at Dushyanthan acting as injured with a thorn
1898 Oil Painting - Sri Chitra Art Gallery, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 

Sri Rama Vanquishing The Sea 
Varuna the Lord of ocean, pacifying Sri Rama, angered at the intransigence of the sea to give way to enter Lanka  
Sri Jayachama Rajendra Art Gallery, Jaganmohan Palace, Mysore, Karnataka 

Galaxy of Musicians 
Indian women dressed in regional attires playing on a variety of musical instruments popular in different parts of the country
Sri Jayachama Rajendra Art Gallery, Jaganmohan Palace, Mysore, Karnataka